Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Standing in Line

Just got back from the dry cleaners. I arrived and two people were in front of me so I was standing and waiting my turn when this woman walked in and walked in front of me and another person and demanded to be taken care of next. It was so rude. The choices seem to be either get as pushy and as rude as her, or just let her go first. I stared at her and said she was rude.She said nothing.

I've been to Bangkok and Singapore and Hong Kong and in all those places people manage to stand in line and wait their turn. What is so hard about that? And yet here in Bangalore people just can't seem to do it. It is the exact same attitude that makes the traffic such a mess - she only cared about her needs and forget everyone else. I guess being rude isn't considered bad karma. It really doesn't add to the enjoyment of anyone's day, the people at the cleaners weren't too happy about it either.

I find it irritating.


Unknown said...

so true, Debbie...

The first thing that we noticed since we relocated back 3 yrs ago in bangalore, the civic sence here is least compared to other metro's.

We go protest and tell people when ever face such situation, not being rude but to help them descipline.

Anonymous said...

in india the line grows in a horizontal manner. it does not matter which indian city you go to...i found it in bombay, delhi, bangalore...in fact, when i point out that i am next in line the typical response is: 'ok, you go. i am not stopping you.' :-)


Debbie Ann said...

Hi Kamla-
thank you for commenting. I wonder what the solution is - is it better to just be patient, or to argue with someone. I find I can't fight it each time or I become too frustrated and it isn't worth it. When I travel outside of India, then I do see Indians waiting patiently in line for their turn, wish it could happen here.