Monday, February 12, 2007

Sunday and Monday

Had a wonderful first day in B'lore. Walked up to MG road - actually we tried to get an auto to take us to a mall, but they wouldn't, not sure why. We bought an extension cord and a great map which were the two things we wanted. We wandered around, ended up in a dept store for a snack and then Charles negotiated with an auto driver to get us home - the driver wanted Rs 200 - and finally settled for 80, I was happy to get a ride home.

Then later we decided to go to a movie at Alliance Francais - free film festival about human rights and we watched a movie about hijra - India's third gender. We arrived an hour late due to trying to find an ATM and then having the wrong card and having to go back to the house to get it. Auditorium was packed and very hot, and we stood up for an hour to watch the film.
The driver who took us did not know where it was so we showed him on the map, he still asked a bunch of people when we got close, but he did find it. Then we got an auto for Rs40 back to a close hotel and had a spicy dinner and then walked 2 blocks home. I felt like it was a very successful first day.

Today is the bandh - so very quiet. great photos over at metroblog Bangalore -
I love the quiet. we walked over to the office so we could both log on.


crow said...

Wow, your first day there and you're seeing movies about gender! not what I'd have expected but it sounds fascinating.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how small the world can be. One of my co-workers in the B'lore office is from SF as well. He's here for a few more months before he heads back to the US.