Monday, December 31, 2007

south indian filter coffee

when it is good, it is so good. they have very very strong coffee, almost
like syrup, undrinkable black, to which they add very very hot milk and
sugar and you get a small cup, almost espresso size with bubbles over the
top. it is served very hot, and in some places you have a second cup and the
waiter pours it back and forth from one metal cup to the other. it is filled
to the very top, so there is often a saucer underneath. it is specifically
'south indian filter coffee' and has some chicory in it. It really is one of
those things that is made everywhere and you can go around town testing them
all out. one friend says we have to get to the place at 630 am because that
is the milk's first boil and it is even better then.

scroll down here to a good filter coffee photo and description:

so, completely different from what I drink in the US, but fantastic in its
own right. In the top ten things I will miss when we leave.


teacup said...

Hi, could you tell me where I can get the Belgian Chimay beer in Bangalore?


Debbie Ann said...

at SPAR. we also had a guy we called, will see if I can find his phone nuber

teacup said...

Thanks, that would be great! :)

Anil P said...

It's a great sight when they pour it from one cup to the other, as the hand goes high up and the coffee streams down seemingly from a 'great' height, and then they reverse the hands as the coffee glasses change position, and then the stream :)