Thursday, November 1, 2007

Back in Bangalore

All the way around the world and now back in Bangalore. Just in time for a state holiday (Nov 1).
Trying to reclaim the apartment from the dust and bugs. Looks like it has been raining a lot here - roads that looked ok when we left look a lot worse now. had dosa and filter coffee at our local kamat hotel for $2. And a great breakfast this morning at Infinitea -real pancakes and delightful tea from Assam with warmed up milk plus had a chance to read newspapers, since they haven't started arriving yet (but at least there wasn't a month's worth sitting there). Internet isn't working so well at home so contact will still be sparse til we sort that out. Paid the electricity bill - 2 months worth, paid the internet bill and vacuumed the rooms with carpets. Had pasta at home last night, which was nice.

While we were in Sydney we put our clocks forward an hour, I was surprised to see US isn't changing their clocks til this upcoming wkend. I would've thought everyone would do it at the same time. People in Sydney were so friendly. I had a fabulous time there - saw people we know, ate at Bourke St Bakery, went to Brett Whiteley's Studio:
I love artist's studios, and this one was especially enjoyable. Had a great lunch at Bird Cow Fish (though maybe I wish it was Pig Cow Bird). Sydney was definitely an easy city for us. Strangers were even friendly. Ate at the customs house, went to Watson's Bay.

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